Revolutionizing Healthcare

We spearheaded a groundbreaking transformation in healthcare through our cutting-edge software solution tailored for healthcare facilities. By revolutionizing patient records management and scheduling, we set new standards for care delivery.

Business Size:
Redesign, Website, AI, ETL
About the client

Our client was not just another player in the healthcare industry; they were a dynamic startup armed with a formidable arsenal of competitive advantages. From harnessing the power of neural networks for data analysis to boasting a team of top-tier medical professionals and state-of-the-art equipment, they were poised to lead the charge towards the future of healthcare.


Navigating the Chaos of Healthcare Data

The client faced significant challenges stemming from disparate sources of patient metrics, lack of a standardized calculation system, and fragmented methods for data analysis within local modules. These issues created chaos in healthcare institution processes, hindering data analysis, patient support, and overall medical information management.


Conquering Chaos with Cutting-Edge Technology

We tackled these challenges head-on by crafting a robust technological framework, powered by Python and AWS services like Kinesis and Glue. This enabled us to centralize data, standardize calculations, and streamline medical information processing.

The result? Dramatically improved medical staff efficiency, enhanced diagnostic accuracy, and vastly reduced error risks, catapulting our client's market share and elevating healthcare service quality industry-wide.

Tech Stack
AWS Kinesis AWS Serverless Stack Python React Bootstrap
The Result

The client's market share within the healthcare solutions sector has experienced a notable 15% surge since the introduction of our web solution, propelling them into competitive segments. This remarkable achievement is attributed to our pioneering approach, leveraging experimental solutions alongside sophisticated artificial intelligence and neural network technology.


Diagnostic accuracy


Medical error risk


Routine workload